Massage Therapy in Lake Elmo

Massage therapy in Lake Elmo is a highly regarded approach to treatment that is quickly growing in popularity and demand. Massage therapy is recognized as a crucial part of treatment plans for a vast array of reasons. This type of therapy relies on hands-on techniques to help increase circulation, relieve anxiety, and reduce stress, and a number of other health benefits. Here are just a few of the reasons to consider visiting Kary Chiropractic.
Massage Therapy Improves Posture in Lake Elmo
There is a wide range of potential causes of neck, back, and muscle pain. Chronic back pain is one of the most common reasons why people seek out chiropractic care and massage therapy, and in many situations, it is due to poor posture. Back and neck pain are often the result of incorrect posture while standing or sitting, especially at work. When combined with chiropractic care, massage therapy can help to loosen and relax your muscles, improve range of motion and relieve pressure points, ultimately correcting your posture and improving movement.
Studies have shown that routine visits to your chiropractor combined with massage therapy will not only help to reduce stress levels but can boost your immune system, reduce chronic pain, and improve your overall health.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Regular massage therapy treatment can help to reduce the levels of your blood pressure. Studies have shown that regular massages can help to reduce both the upper number (systolic) and the lower number (diastolic) blood pressure as well as reduce the cortisol levels within your body. In addition, regular massage therapy may also reduce tension, anxiety, and depression, which can ultimately raise your blood pressure, increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure.
Improves Circulation
One of the best benefits of routine massage therapy treatments is a significant improvement in blood circulation. Massages help to reduce stiff and tense muscles, which may ultimately lead to poor circulation. In order to maintain health and function, your body tissues need to be supplied with oxygen-rich blood. Old blood and waste materials need also to be flushed out (which is why being well hydrated before and after a massage is so important). Massage therapy helps to improve circulation through the hands-on pressure used by our therapist, which helps to move the blood through congested and damaged areas of your body, in turn, causing new blood flow into your tissues. Also, the twisting, pulling, and squeezing actions of massage helps to remove lactic acid and other waste materials from muscle tissues.
Massage Therapy FAQS
Massage therapy is a highly regarded approach to treatment that is quickly growing in popularity and demand. Massage therapy is recognized as a crucial part of treatment plans for a vast array of reasons. This type of therapy relies on hands-on techniques to help increase circulation, relieve anxiety, and reduce stress, and a number of other health benefits. Here are just a few of the reasons to consider visiting Kary Chiropractic to provide you with all the benefits massage therapy brings.
Massage therapy pushes fluids through your lymphatic system, flushing waste materials from your tissues and creating space for fresh, oxygen-rich blood. This flushing process is much more effective when the body is properly hydrated. It's necessary to replenish with water afterward for tissues to stay soft, pliable, and healthy.
This depends on the goal of the session, as well as your personal tolerance to pressure. In general, a massage for relaxation or lymphatic drainage will have lighter pressure than a massage intended to release very tight muscles. But everybody is different in how it responds to various levels of pressure. Massage should never be painful, but some discomfort can be appropriate. Optimal tolerance is a term used by some massage therapists to describe the perfect amount of pressure and intensity used to be most effective for a specific anatomical structure on a specific person. This means the work is causing the tissue to respond and release but is not causing injury or harm.
It is always okay to ask your massage therapist for more or less pressure.
There are some situations in which you will not be asked to undress. But in general, you will be asked to undress down to your comfort level. For a full body massage, this generally means that you can remove all of your clothing or leave your underwear on. In a professional massage setting, you will be fully covered by a sheet. The therapist will only uncover the area that is currently being worked on. If there are specific areas of your body that you want to be addressed, it is usually best to unclothe those areas (for example, if you are hoping to relieve hip pain it may be best to remove your underwear). If you have any questions or discomfort, please address them with your massage therapist.
Schedule an Appointment Today!
If you want to learn more about the benefits of massage therapy or schedule an appointment, please contact Kary Chiropractic in Lake Elmo. We create a personalized massage plan that fits your health needs. Call us today at (651) 735-1880!
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
Kary Chiropractic
8519 Eagle Point Boulevard #110
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
CALL: (651) 731-1880
EMERGENCY CALL: (612) 708-1067